By: Jared Adkin, Moroni Channel
San Luis Potosí, Mexico


In the last months, some people have been spreading gossips and lies about me, some people trusted them and most of them don’t.  I didn’t do anything to defend myself, I was pretty sure it was just going to be a bad experience, but they continued

Today it’s the 6th month since that started.

When one of my best friends noticed this, I was sure he was going to defend me or ignore them, but he didn’t do anything.

Yesterday while I was in the temple I felt depressed thinking about the issue, then I thought of Heavenly Father I ask him Do you believe in me? And then he answers saying… “I believe in you, I love you, this is my house, you are in the temple, you have a recommendation to be here, you are recommended to be into my house, I know you, because you are my son”

And then I suddenly felt overwhelm and protected. All of us makes mistakes; and thanks to the atonement of Jesus Christ we can all repent and come back. He’s always there beside us, even when He knows we’re going to fail, He’ll give us a chance again to change for the better.

He’ will never leave us alone, because He is our father, a Father full of mercy and love.

I’m thankful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and I’m glad to say I’m part of His church, I’m also happy to have this experiences, my faith is tested, and it’s satisfactory when the ‘test’ ends.

I know He believes in me, to know that He’s on my side. I love this quote of mine: “The best lawyer is Jesus Christ and the best Judge is God.”

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