by Daniel Rincon, Moroni Channel
By Daniel Rincon, Moroni Channel Las Vegas Nevada, USA What do we do with the questions that come up in life? The seeming inconsistencies between what we believe and what we are actually experiencing? The distance between hopes, dreams, and promises, and...
by Don Bowman, Moroni Channel
By Don Bowman, Moroni Channel Louisville Kentucky, USA Suppose you had been given a promise from the Lord, from a prayer and fasting, or from a blessing received, or even from a priesthood authority, as was Abraham that he would have a son. Days weeks months...
by Don Bowman, Moroni Channel
Don Bowman, Moroni Channel Louisville Kentucky, USA Rev 2:27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. Palms 2:9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash...
by Don Bowman, Moroni Channel
By Don Bowman, Moroni Channel Louisville Kentucky, USA The bible talks of fortifying their cities with stone walls without and around, and to fashion a tall tower in the city’s center, with a watchmen standing thereon. The outer walls correspond to the...
by Monica Scott, MCH Contributor
By Monica Scott, MCH Contributor Salt Lake City Utah, USA The primary song, “My Heavenly Father Loves Me,” has always been my favorite primary song. Now as a mother who constantly worries about her children growing up in this world, it is a song that...