by Alexander Hicken, Moroni Channel
By: Alexander Hicken, Moroni Channel Rexburg Idaho, USA If I could speak in General Conference, this is what I would talk about. My speech would be the often first response of division to adversity. The second concept of this article that I will explain is the...
by Romrik Joshua Flores, Moroni Channel
By: Romrik Joshua Flores, Moroni Channel The Republic Of The Philippines Announced on July 26, LDS Author Stephenie Meyer will publish her new book “The Chemist” this year. It is an adult thriller set to be published on November 15. The story is...
by Daniel Rincon, Moroni Channel
By: Daniel Rincon, Moroni Channel Las Vegas Nevada, USA How did Jesus Christ experience suffering? Was He such a perfect, divine being that He was above the pains of you and I? We know that in the Garden of Gethsemane He experienced it all, every sin and...
by Ronnie Bennett-Bray, Moroni Channel
By: Ronnie Bennett-Bray, Moroni Channel London, United Kingdom Anglican minister, Reverend David Wilbourne, Vicar of Helmsley, York, wrote in his parish “Diary,” “Sunday Lunch was interrupted by a phone call.” “My sister needs her baby christening NOW!” the...
by Kelly Merrill, Moroni Channel
By: Kelly Merrill, Moroni Channel Godhead – Part 2 of 4 Idaho, USA God the Father The Godhead consists of three people, God the Father (our Father in Heaven), his son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. We say they are one, as in one in...