by Daniel Rincon, Moroni Channel
By: Daniel Rincon, Moroni Channel Las Vegas Nevada, USA This question fascinates me. It’s one that a missionary once asked a modern Apostle of the Church, and at first glance it may seem simple and maybe ridiculous (of course he doesn’t!), but if you examine it...
by Mormon Newsroom Canada
By: Mormon Newsroom Canada Montreal Canada Sunday, July 3, marked the first time that iftar, the evening meal when Muslims break their daily Ramadan fast, was held at a Mormon chapel in Montreal. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and...
by Don Bowman, Moroni Channel
By: Don Bowman, Moroni Channel Kentucky, USA But charity extends itself much more widely than to the poor and indigent, for charity consist in doing what is right in every work and duty in every office. If a judge does justice for the sake of justice he...
by Don Bowman, Moroni Channel
By: Don Bowman, Moroni Channel Kentucky, USA As we have five physical senses, being the ear or hearing, touch or feeling, nose or smelling, mouth or tasting, and eyes or seeing; Also we have five corresponding spiritual senses, by which we discern and perceive...