by Alexander Hicken, Moroni Channel
By: Alexander Hicken, Moroni Channel United States of America Follow @a_nielsonhicken My last article stated that I would tell you a secret ingredient that I sought in those that I were dating. I want you to feel my testimony in this wise that God knows your...
by Don Bowman, Moroni Channel
By: Don Bowman, Moroni Channel Published: Monday, May 10 2016; 8:16 p.m. DMT United States of America A young woman sits in Sunday School surrounded by other young men and young women. The spirit of the sabbath day is to worship both outwardly, by going to...
by W Stephen Svedin, Moroni Channel
By: W Stephen Svedin, Moroni Channel Published: Tuesday, May 10 2016; 11:56 p.m. DMT United States of America Christ preaching the Sermon on the Mount to a group of people. Summary Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount — He commands, Judge not; ask...
by Don Bowman, Moroni Channel
By: Don Bowman, Moroni Channel Published: Monday, May 09 2016; 7:16 p.m. DMT United States of America Moses and the Tablets, by Jerry Harston; GAB 14; Primary manual 6-24; Exodus 19–20 Rev 2:27 “And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels...
by Ronnie Bray, Moroni Channel
By: Ronnie Bray, Moroni Channel United States of America A husband and wife hug each other outside by a store in Ecuador. What more is there in life, my love …It was an extraordinary story he told, but I was not surprised. I called my old friend Mike Wright,...