Church Casting Office Looking for Young Actors in Upcoming Children and Youth Video Series
The casting office of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is now looking for actors ages 5 – 18 years old for an upcoming video series about the Primary and Youth Program. The new series will feature children and youth in several settings at school,...
BYU Announces Fall Semester Decision: Resume to In-person Classes with Several Adjustments
PROVO UTAH — Brigham Young University has announced its fall semester decision after months of observation and consideration. “We are planning for an in-person fall semester starting Aug 31, 2020, with a hybrid of in-person and remote classes. This decision is...
Watch Inspiring Father’s Day Video Made by Missionaries
A group of missionaries made a 2-part video-series dedicated to both our earthy and heavenly Father. In the first video, a missionary shared the importance of prayer and how grateful he was for his earthly power to teach Him how to communicate with Heavenly Father. In...
YouTube Sensation, Lindsey Stirling, Postpones 2020 Artemis Tour Due to COVID-19
YouTube sensation Lindsey Stirling has announced on her Facebook page that she will postpone her 2020 Artemis tour due to the ongoing pandemic. I think many of you expected this but given the state of COVID, for everyone’s safety, I have to postpone my 2020 Artemis...