Despite COVID-19 Pandemic God’s Work Continues, Church General Authority Reassures
During the Young Single Adults devotional, held last Friday, June 19, Elder Arnulfo Valenzuela of the Mexico Area Presidency reassures that despite the chaos caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, God’s work continues thanks to the availability of technology. We in...
Elder Bednar: COVID-19 Crisis—A Wake-Up Call for Religious Freedom
“Our world has seemingly been filled recently with strong wake-up calls,” said Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “From natural disasters to a deadly pandemic sweeping the globe to a most...
The Paint Ball Atonement
During his time as minister of the Granite Reef Ward, Bishop Mark Kleinman taught his priests quorum about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and to achieve this goal he set a challenge for them to read the scriptures every day over a set period. The young men each made an...
Yale University Prints their 5th Edition of the Book of Mormon
I’ve just received the following from my colleague and friend Royal Skousen, and I share it with his authorization. It concerns his wonderful edition of the Book of Mormon, which I really appreciate and from which my wife and I do our shared Book of Mormon scripture...