by Don Bowman, Moroni Channel
By: Don Bowman, Moroni Channel United States of America Meekness is a attribute that we should earnestly seek after. It is a brother to humility, and maybe should be examined more than we do! Part of it is to acknowledge our weaknesses having a need for the...
by Don Bowman, Moroni Channel
By: Don Bowman, Moroni Channel United States of America The law or sin reigns to death, yet now our Lord’s grace reigns unto eternal life through righteousness. The gift of righteousness by God’s children, whereby we live the commandments and become...
by Don Bowman, Moroni Channel
By: Don Bowman, Moroni Channel Kentucky, USA We should love all men those within our circle of friends and those without our circle of friends. This counsel was given to Thomas B. Marsh. We should not love a certain section (clicks) of our friends above others....
by Don Bowman, Moroni Channel
By: Don Bowman, Moroni Channel United States of America “Trust in God, be supported in your trials … and lifted up at the last day.” —See Alma 36:3 God escorts us through difficult challenging trials showing us that no man is to be trusted, as he is...
by Don Bowman, Moroni Channel
By: Don Bowman, Moroni Channel United States of America “Believe that there is a ‘balm in Gilead’ and that the Lord has promised, ‘I will not … forsake thee.’”—President Henry B. Eyring The Lord doesn’t have expectations for he knows and he loves us all....
by Ronnie Bennett-Bray, Moroni Channel
By Ronnie Bennett-Bray, Moroni Channel United Kingdom Two men talking and standing on opposite sides of a fence. One was a provincial, rough in manners, unrefined in speech that wore the clothes of a rustic. He was used to being in charge so that much of what...