A Look Inside The Newly Completed ‘Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple’
By: Romrik Joshua Flores, Moroni Channel The Republic Of The Philippines The first presidency of the church recently announced the open house of the temple, it will begin on Wednesday, August 10, and continue through Friday, September 9 2016 excluding Sundays....
LDS Church Confirms That All Missionaries Are Safe After Johanesburg Tornado
By:Moroni Channel Africa Johanesburg South Africa Mormon Newsroom South Africa confirms that all missionaries, members and church buildings are safe after the Tornado in Johanesburg. The Newsroom published a news article stating that: 26 July in Centurion...
LDS Church In Canada Announced 2 New Temple Presidents For Montreal Quebec Temple & Halifax Nova Scotia Temple
By: LDS.org Canada The First Presidency has called new temple presidents and matrons for two Canadian temples Montreal Quebec Temple Michel Joseph Jules Carter, 62, of the Granby Branch, Longueuil Quebec Stake, has been called as president of the Montreal...
Elder Gary E. Stevenson Visited Sendai Japan, Where In 2011 A Tsunami Devastated Japan.
By: Romrik Joshua Flores, Moroni Channel The Republic of The Philippines Elder Gary E. Stevenson recently visited Sendai Japan, where in 2011 a Tsunami devastated Japan.He recently published on his Facebook Page about his insights and experiences while visiting...