Greg Hawkins, the former ‘Kuya Escort’ for It’s Showtime, expressed his dismay and support for his pro-Kapamilya friends after the Congress denied franchise renewal to the Philippines’ top broadcasting station, ABS-CBN.

“I understand that emotions are running high, especially for my pro-Kapamilya friends,” the actor writes.

Continuing with his post, he also voiced out his concerns regarding fake news spreading around the internet about the said issue. In response to it, he encourages everyone to stay away from it and to search for full hearings, evidence, and testimonies instead.

“I’ve been seeing a lot of fake news in the graphics and information many have been sharing,” he said. “The full hearings, evidence, testimonies, and arguments are available for free online with a simple Google search. Yes, they are complicated and dense, but to fully understand why ABS-CBN wasn’t granted a franchise, it’s important to examine the arguments and the facts ourselves. Let’s be responsible consumers of information, as a favor to ourselves and those we love.”

The Congress’ decision to deny the franchise renewal for the media giant will result in 11,000 ABS-CBN workers being unemployed during the COVID-19 crisis.

According to the Philippine government, the cause for the congress to deny the renewal was due to multiple labor cases, campaign ads controversies during the 2016 elections, tax avoidance, and political meddling by ABS-CBN.

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