PROVO, Utah — Nearly 700 missionaries gathered at the Provo MTC to prepare 375,000 meal kits to feed the hungry. Together with the missionaries, Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, joined the missionaries as they pack meals for Hunger Fight, a humanitarian partner of the church.

“My heart was touched by the manifestation of the love of the gospel of Jesus Christ by these remarkable missionaries, some who had only arrived at the MTC days earlier,” said Elder Stevenson. “Forgetting themselves, away from their families, they immersed themselves in caring for those in need and serving the Lord. A Thanksgiving never to be forgotten.”

Sister Stevenson called the MTC audience: Thanksgiving missionaries.

She expressed appreciation that she and her husband had and a small group of their family and friends could spend the special day at the MTC.

“We are excited to share a Thanksgiving table with you,” she said. “We have shared it with many, many different people over the years and in many interesting places, and we’ve very excited to be with you.”

Hunger Fight and the church have been partners over the past two years preparing meals for the communities in Florida and Utah.



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