In a remarkable turn of events, one of Seoul’s most iconic religious landmarks, the Seoul Korea Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has made a surprising appearance in the latest K-Drama sensation, “Celebrity,” released on...
MANILA — Michelle Dee, known for her captivating looks, toned physique, and remarkable poise, wins the crown for Miss Universe Philippines 2023. However, her path to the prestigious competition was far from predictable. Michelle herself acknowledges that she was once...
Miss World 2013, Megan Young, and her husband, Mikael Daez, a renowned Filipino actor, flew to Salt Lake City today to watch the Christmas concert of the Tabernacle Choir with Disney legend Lea Salonga. The Christmas concerts have become a traditional audience...
Chris Evans, known for portraying Captain America, surprised fans worldwide by sharing in his Instagram story a photo of an icon related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The image in the story, shared on Wednesday, November 9, shows a statue of the...
A former student at the University of Utah, Keitra Jane Calaway, is often told that her resemblance to the singer Taylor Swift is undeniable. She was featured in an Alex Boye music video as a Taylor Swift look-a-like and has since gained popularity from it. She was...
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