How the Gospel Helped Me Forgive My Rapist
As told by Vannessa herself to Moroni Channel: Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of forgiveness. Discovering the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints helped me realize that everyone deserves forgiveness, no matter what the person may have done. Jesus faced...
LDS Church to Translate the Book of Mormon in 34 Additional Languages
“As translations proceed, completed portions can be released in sequence from time to time. These sequential portions, although not considered final until the full translation is completed, will be made available on LDS.org and in the Gospel Library mobile application, the letter states”

The Story Behind Elder Hales and his Black Tie with White Polka Dots
The child waited for the next General Conference and then Elder Hale’s stood up again at the conference he felt delighted when the apostle wore the same neck tie as his.
He waited again for the next conference. But in April 2011 Elder Hales did not speak. To cheer the apostle up, Jason wrote a letter where the photo of the two of them was attached.
In response to the letter, Elder Hales wrote Jason saying: