Latter-day Saint youth in the United States and Canada can look forward to next year with excitement as the church announced that it will continue FSY in 2022. The announcement was made following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions by the CDC.

After being postponed for 2 years due to COVID-19, FSY conferences were given the green light by church leaders.

When it resumes next year, local congregations in the US and Canada will be able to participate as assigned. Youth may attend FSY conferences scheduled for their stake beginning the year they turn 14 until the year they turn 18.

The FSY conferences are modeled after Brigham Young University’s Especially For Youth (EFY) conferences. FSY conferences include activities, devotionals, and classes designed to help the youth strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ. FSY conferences in the U.S. and Canada are provided by the Church and held locally with the support of BYU.

To learn more about FSY Conferences visit


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